We made it today to Napoli. The train ride lasted seven hours, including the crossing from Sicily to the mainland of Italia. Getting around is difficult with only English, some Spanish and very little Italian. We have learned more but still it is tricky. The hostel owner Luka in Catania was really helpful and helped us get around Catania. We explored Catania with our new adventurous friend Ann from Texas/India. The local people that we have met, and there have been a lot, are friendly especially when you ask their name. We still however are unclear on exactly how to say 'what is your name?' it is funny that they all know Arizona and the phoenix suns and many have been to flagstaff to see the canyon. Anyways we have not found Internet very easily, but then we haven't really been looking for it.
This is Maxie's best friend, Santo. We met him on the bus from Palermo to Catania.
This is Maxie's best friend, Santo. We met him on the bus from Palermo to Catania.