We (Asher and I) went hiking into the mountains behind dad's refuge in the Catalina Mountain range that lingers above Tucson. Asher had an awesome title for this post while we were hiking, but things that happen up there stay up there. We didn't know the time. We ate when we were hungry, drank when we were thirsty, slept when we couldn't walk anymore, and talked when we thought. It was ludicrously windy. Backpacks felt like sails.
We walked up the Charouleau gap road after bush-whacking for a couple miles. Then we walked up the upper CDO up onto the higher ridges almost to the top of Mt lemmon. Then we veered off down the Oracle ridge to end up in Oracle. A good chunk of it compromised a section of the Arizona trail. A good chunk of it we also were not all too sure about which way to go. Luckily we had 2 days and nothing to do but go get lost.
We met deer, cows, owls, tarantulas, off-roaders, and hunters, which also meant we met the hunted. We did not meet any other hikers. (Why the is my itunes playing Mike Jones!?) This journey sort of completed our tour of the Catalinas. Next time we have time it is time for another mountain range.
It is cold on top of a windy mountain at night. Be prepared.
Asher Caplan |
Sunrise Saturday |
Sunrise/breakfast Sunday |
We are on the right trail! which was mostly elusive |